This project resulted from the experience and studies offered in a programme called “Imagéticas Afetivas: criação permanente do eu”, taught by Ane Valls and Danza Medicina (Morena Cardoso). 

Freely translated from the Portuguese, the name of the course is “Affectionate Imagery: the permanent creation of the Self”. In it I have studied the creative processes of many female artists and artist collectives. Louise Bourgeois, Francesca Woodman, Marina Abramovic, Lygia Clark, Womanhouse, Grada Kilomba, Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and many women who created art based on their cyclical selves and their menstrual blood.  After this, guided by Danza Medicina into a series of dance exercises that meant to make those creative processes integrated also through a bodily experience.

After exercising these concepts and creations both mentally and physically, I have developed “I wear a Plantation in my Womb”. Composed by photography, video and 3D elements this experimental creation of mine translates my experience of the permanent creation of my very own Self as a woman. All images are from my body, even the 3D model is a 3d scan of me. 

Concept and realisation by: Gabriela Lotaif

Special Thanks to: Ane Valls, Greicy Pantoja and Morena Cardoso.